You Be You Boo

Melissa Hammonds
1 min readDec 20, 2020

I used say, “I need to get off of this rollercoaster.” I would pray that God would settle me. But, at 42, I think I need to change my ideas on “the rollercoaster”. Maybe that is why life is beautiful, eventful and how we are reminded that we need God. If we are always on level/solid ground, maybe we would stop moving? Maybe we would miss the growth opportunities provided by those heart stopping dips in our life, and maybe we would miss the joy and exhilaration of the highs. The highs where we want to throw our hands in the air and scream with delight.

I think my new goal is to live life in a place of expectant joy, during the lows, knowing the highs will come back.

So welcome to my rollercoaster. I will finally take the moments to write down my highs, my lows and all the in-between. If you have a story to tell and need a listener…I am your girl.



Melissa Hammonds

For years I have been asked to write my story down so that maybe others can heal. As I start this process, I realize, it was me that needed the healing.